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MATIC Utility 15 Panel

Introducing the MATIC Utility 15 Panel, the ultimate solution to control low water levels when using a residue puddle sucker pump. With its versatile design, it can be used with various pumps and sensors, making it perfect for pump stations, tanks, lift shafts, and basements. Get peace of mind with its 3 level points and efficient control panel.

£164.92 +VAT
£197.90 incl VAT

in stock

SKU: 030-600 Category: Brand:


Utility 15 panels and puddle sensor can control low water levels when using a residue puddle sucker pump. It can be used with the RSD, PXL and Puddle Buddy.

The sensor can work horizontally on the floor or in a vertical position fixed to a wall or a pipe in small pits and narrow spaces. The sensor has 3 level points and, combined with the Utility 15 control panel, can be used for checking water or controlling a pump and signalling when the level has been exceeded.


  • Low level control
  • Control Residue Pumps


  • Pump Stations
  • Tanks
  • Lift Shafts
  • Basements

Additional option

UTILITY 15110/230v0.15-0.41-8PROBES210 X 210 X 1001.2030-600
PUDDLE SENSOR////35 X 125 X 700.85030-602

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